• Expand your business in Europe

  • Accelerate growth of your existing business

  • Identify channel partners in relevant countries

  • Establish a local entity and build your supply chain

Taking care of your business in Europe

We help high tech companies to rapidly and profitably launch, develop and expand their business – without the costs, risks and delays associated with opening foreign offices and hiring local employees. 



Distribution channel partners

Personal representation

Country specific


Campaign development

Call out campaign

Localized emailing


Customer visits

Event participation

Localized marketing


Customer events


Crowd building


Targeted appointments

Tax & legislation advice

Governmental support

Cloud Suppliers logo    TakeCareCompany works together with CloudSuppliers for marketing execution


People do business with people they know, like and trust.

TakeCareCompany is experienced and well connected in the European IT Hardware, Software and Medical Device Industry.

We have relationships in the European retail, e-tail and System Integrator market to position hardware products.

Our network with Independent Software Developers and Fintech companies speeds up your Platform distribution.

We have been focussing on the Medical Device Industry in Europe for over 10 years.


Specialized and proven successful in launching vendors that want to enter or further expand into the European market.

Based out of Amsterdam; TakeCareCompany is a proven successful sales organization and channel builder in the European market.

We have seen vendors struggle to build up a channel in Europe. Each country needs a different strategy for economical, demographical, political, historical and many other reasons. Europe is not one market.

Starting an office abroad is costly, full of risk and time consuming. We have already walked your path and built up a trusted relationship with partners in your line of business.

TakeCareCompany co-creates your go-to-market strategy and executes on it. We help you to start from scratch or we build on your existing business. Furthermore, we can help you to create a legal entity and an effective supply chain.


Contact us to learn how we can help you to enter or further expand your business into the European market. We are based in Amsterdam, Netherlands; in the business heart of Europe.

Call: +31 20 845 68 67 or fill out the form.